
The Tesla Cybertruck might be little more than a punchline after six months on the road, but that hasn’t stopped people from celebrating Elon Musk’s vision for the future.


Put on your best white tux, smuggle a diamond, and throw on “Anything Goes.” May 23 is the birthday of Steven Spielberg’s Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom—the franchise’s weirdest entry,


While Marvel’s had no trouble incorporating unresolved material from previous movies into its recent fare, the studio took its sweet time bringing back threads from 2008's The Incredible Hulk.


The summer movie season is here—and, before we dive into what’s in store for 2024, let’s turn the clock back 40 years to one of the best summers of all time: 1984.


Since time immemorial, the machine of movie merchandising has revealed plot details—or at the very least got people to wildly and often incorrectly speculate about them—well before a movie’s release.


There’s still almost a year until audiences get to see their brand new Captain America, Sam Wilson, on the big screen—but Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige still de


In the last couple of years, it feels like more big name actors have come into the MCU rather than relative unknowns and rising stars.