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The year 2024 is shaping up to be solid for Star Trek in our own reality—we’ve got the final season of Discovery, work is underway on Michelle Yeoh’s Section 31 film, and we


With a dizzying array of streaming services available, there was no shortage of great TV this year—and while io9 has already shared our top 20 shows of 2023, today we’re revealing our top TV moments... all 50 of them.


Star Trek: Picard ended earlier this year, and though the series could be messy at times, leading man Patrick Stewart always made it work.


When we once again meet Michael Dorn’s legendary Klingon hero Worf in Star Trek: Picard’s third and final season, he’s a very different man to the one we saw across The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine—tempered by a long life of isolation as he has


Star Trek loves itself a nebula. It loves itself a starship that gets stuck inside a nebula. When that nebula is actually a living being? It’s downright giddy.


Star Trek: Picard’s final season is currently airing on Paramount+, but the former crew of the Enterprise-D has plenty of new problems to deal with.


Star Trek: Picard returns for its third and final season this week, with its titular hero tasked with one last adventure alongside faces old and new.