
Star Trek: Picard’s last season is throwing everything it can at Patrick Stewart’s legendary hero, in terms of big shocks, big enemies, and big reunions.


New members of the Interview With the Vampire cast are being announced as they continue to shoot season 2 in Prague.


Star Trek loves itself a nebula. It loves itself a starship that gets stuck inside a nebula. When that nebula is actually a living being? It’s downright giddy.


There was a time when Star Trek’s utopian future was meant to show people had grown beyond conflict and profanity, but as the franchise has been


After a brutal home invasion in London—just after learning they’re finally expecting a much-wanted baby—a young couple sees a brighter future when they inherit a home in the Irish countryside.


We here at io9 have been fans of Everything Everywhere All at Once since we heard the first rumblings of a second film from the Daniels in 2017.


In a new Esquire profile, Chris Pine speaks candidly about his leading man roles, his earnest hero typecasting, and the tentpole franchise that turned him into a house