Tech Insider : Environment
Garrett Madison
Mountaineer and Everest guide Garrett Madison climbed Mt. Everest, Mt. Lhotse, and Mt. Nuptse in a single expedition season. He and his team also removed about 2,000 pounds of trash from these peaks.
Gizmodo : Environment

A team of deep sea scientists has made one mother of a find. In recent research, they detail the discovery of a female squid performing an unusual behavior for its kind: protecting and carrying around a clutch of giant eggs. The mama squid likely belongs to a previously unknown species of cephalopod, the researchers…


Gizmodo : Environment

In some parts of the country (mainly the hot, humid parts), humanity’s relationship with the friendly insect known as the mosquito can be quite contentious. Not only do these wonderful little pests swarm you, suck your blood, and leave unattractive splotches all over your skin, but they’re also known to transport many…


Gizmodo : Environment

Voyager fans, rejoice! The 46-year-old spacecraft is once again probing interstellar space for cosmic wonders following a seven month-long hiatus.


Gizmodo : Environment

Things can get lonely on Mars. NASA’s four-wheeled robot has been roaming the Red Planet for more than three years, trekking across the harsh terrain on its own after losing its pal Ingenuity. But perhaps the Martian rover has found a way to connect with us from 140 million miles away.

Gizmodo : Environment

New research appears to highlight another tragic aftereffect of the 9/11 terror attacks. Scientists have found evidence that responders exposed to dust and debris from the collapse of the World Trade Center are more likely to develop early onset dementia. The findings also suggest that protective personal equipment…


Gizmodo : Environment

The ugly truth is that, if you could see the quality of the air you breathe in many places, you wouldn’t go outside. But it’s important to highlight the insidious presence of air pollution. Recently, a team of scientists and artists teamed up to do exactly that.


Gizmodo : Environment

A recent outburst from the Sun sent a strong blast of charged particles and radiation towards Mars, allowing scientists to get a rare glimpse at how these events unfold on planets other than Earth.