Tech Insider
The candy aisle at Costco in London, featuring Welch's Fruit Snacks, Red Vines, Skittles, Trolls, Mike & Ike
Costco sells come American brands not commonly available in the UK.
Gizmodo : Environment

While air is a gaseous delight unique to Earth, a team of astrophysicists have made a satisfying discovery: the direct observation of atomic oxygen on Venus’ dayside, confirming that the element crucial for our existence exists on both sides of the hellish planet.


Tech Insider
Photo of Elvis Francois smiling whilst holding a ketchup bottle and Dominica flag
Elvis Francois ate ketchup and seasonings for 24 days while stranded at sea.
Tech Insider
crystal pepsi
Crystal Pepsi was around for just one year, but made a big impression.