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hubble ultra deep field faint galaxies
Astronomers are mapping millions of galaxies in our universe to better understand dark energy.
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giant camera black segmented tube with lens inside on a white engineering mount in a cleanroom with a person in a white cleansuit standing at the bottom of the lens that rises about five feet above the person's head
Travis Lange, the deputy project manager of the LSST, shone a flashlight into the LSST Camera, which has a 5-foot-wide lens.
Tech Insider : Technology
Collage of stellar nurseries
A very young star forming within the dark cloud L1527 (top left), the "Cosmic Cliffs" (top right), the Tarantula Nebula (bottom left), and the Chameleon I molecular cloud (bottom right).

Backyard astrophotography is experiencing a surge in popularity thanks to telescopes becoming more user-friendly and, as a result, actually fun to use. However, cost and portability remain a barrier, making the Dwarf II Smart Telescope a smart, viable option despite some annoying shortcomings.


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moon wide view with a gold telescope dish nestled in a crater illustration juxtaposed with an illustration of black and white cables zig zagging across the flat grey lunar surface toward the horizon where a faint yellow sun hangs in the blackness of space
Two very different concepts for a radio observatory on the moon show how creative astronomers are getting.
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Jon Carmichael looks at a blown up shot of his photo of the 2017 Great American Solar Eclipse.
Astrophotographer and Keynote Speaker, Jon Carmichael (on left) captured this iconic image of the 2017 total solar eclipse that swept across the US.
Tech Insider : Technology
An artist's illustration of a neutron star and its magnetic field floating in space.
Researchers have found strong evidence that Supernova 1987A left behind a neutron star, one of the densest objects in the universe.
Tech Insider
An artist's illustration shows an asteroid causing a large blast as it crashes into Earth
An artist's impression of what an asteroid impact on Earth would look like.
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SpaceX uses Falcon 9 rockets to transport batches of around 60 Starlink satellites at a time.
SpaceX uses Falcon 9 rockets to transport batches of around 60 Starlink satellites at a time.
Tech Insider
Illustration of a black hole warping space-time around it.
On rare occasions, black holes can get kicked into space after they form.