
The What If...? brand is the ultimate cheat code in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Because everything takes place in an alternate dimension, literally anything can happen and it can simultaneously be part of the MCU or not.


Earlier this month, bigwigs at Marvel and Disney made it clear they’d be making a strategic decision to release fewer movies and TV shows going forward.

Tech Insider
States that googled
Google searches for 'eyes hurt' spiked in states bisected by the solar eclipse's path of totality.
Tech Insider
eclipse glasses sitting
People use solar-viewing glasses as the sun emerges through fog cover before the solar eclipse in Oregon.

Last year was an odd one for the Marvel Cinematic Universe in a lot of ways that couldn’t help but hover over its 2023 output.


The Apple Vision Pro is here and, if social media is to be believed, it’s already creating a new race of goggle-fueled cyborgs. You’ve likely seen videos of people staggering around New York City like digitally transported zombies, the Vision Pro affixed to their faces like Scuba gear on a delirious diver who’s…