
Earlier this month, bigwigs at Marvel and Disney made it clear they’d be making a strategic decision to release fewer movies and TV shows going forward.


Over the past five years, new Marvel movies may have been confusing if you didn’t watch the streaming shows. Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness was basically a direct sequel to WandaVision.


Agatha All Along was, of course, Agatha all along. Tuesday, Marvel Studios finally finished its multi-year magic trick, changing the title of the upcoming Agatha Harkness show every few months, and landed on its official title. And it’s the one we expected all along: Agatha All Along.


Last year was an odd one for the Marvel Cinematic Universe in a lot of ways that couldn’t help but hover over its 2023 output.


Marvel fans: are you concerned about about recent spate of high profile removals of original content on Disney+, and that those feelings of nothing being safe from being erased from legal accessibility for a tax cut aren’t going away soon? Well, why not buy...