Tech Insider : Politics

Andrew Bustamante spent seven years working covertly as an officer in the Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA recruited him while he was applying to join the Peace Corps after leaving the US Air Force. Bustamante possesses an intimate knowledge of the intelligence community's inner workings.

Tech Insider : Politics
Christopher Wray (left) and China soldiers raising the flag (right).
"We welcome business with China, visitors from China, academic exchange. What we don't welcome is cheating, and theft, and repression," Christopher Wray told 60 Minutes' Scott Pelley.
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Australia navy submarine
Australian navy submarine HMAS Waller in Pearl Harbor in June 2008.
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Kennedy Space Center,
Chinese nationals have been found scuba diving near the Kennedy Space Center rocket-launch site in Florida, according to The Wall Street Journal.
Tech Insider : Politics
daniel ellsberg
Former Pentagon employee Daniel Ellsberg poses for photographs in central London, November 1, 2004.
Tech Insider
A composite image of three photos, released by Ukraine's security services, of dark-haired women, their faces pixelated, who are accused by Ukraine of forming a spy ring aiding Russia.
The Security Service of Ukraine released these pixelated images of the accused women on August 8, 2023.
Tech Insider
China security guard aircraft jet engine turbine
A security guard next to a jet engine turbo-fan at the China Aviation Expo in Beijing in September 2005.