Tech Insider
Nicola Prentis collaged with playground slide
Nicola Prentis is a single mom and often takes care of her company's admin at the playground.
Tech Insider
the author collaged with office imagery and a red and black background
Daria Rose's experience interning at Bridgewater Associates was eye-opening and transformative.
Tech Insider : Economy
old worker worries about his job prospects
Age discrimination undermines Larry Fink's "solution" to the retirement crisis.
Tech Insider
Pension dating
Nicola Prentis has secured her own finances and wants to date men who have done the same.
Tech Insider
Elon musk shattered glass
Elon Musk's $55 billion compensation package was approved on Thursday.
Tech Insider
Elon on top of scales of justice.
Elon Musk is involved in a slew of lawsuits and investigations.