
This past weekend Hasbro—not content with the metric buttload of action figures it’s already been teasing lately—revealed a bunch of new figures for its Tran


We might be getting a lot of new Star Wars this year, but when it comes to new Star Wars toys, Hasbro is playing things close to the vest so far for 2024.


The fourth episode of Star Wars: Ahsoka has everyone talking about that one big, major cameo at the end. But, as people tend to say in Star Wars, “There is another....” Earlier in the episode someone else appears.


It took all of five days, but 8,000 people pledged $500 each and made it certain that Hasbro would be making its mega version of the Ghost from Star Wars Rebels and Ahsoka.


Comic-Con may be more about movies and TV than comics some years, some times it’s more about comics than movies and TV (especially this year).