
What started as a 24-hour hackathon project last weekend could empower the open-source community to upend the smart glasses industry. Five team members built a $20 pair of smart glasses, dubbed Open Glass, that connects what you see and hear to an AI chatbot, such as Meta’s Llama 3.



If you ever wanted help picking out an outfit, Meta just rolled out a beat for its Ray-Ban Smart Glasses that’ll give you fashion advice based on what’s in your closet. Meanwhile, the Apple and Beeper Mini messaging saga took a dramatic turn. Gizmodo covered all this news and more, and you can catch up with our weekly…


Tech Insider

Envision Glasses are AI-powered smartglasses that help people who are blind or have low vision live more independently.


Meta’s long-promised AI-enabled vision features for the company’s Ray-Ban Smart Glasses are finally incoming, allowing the onboard AI to see, hear, and interpret its environment through the glasses’ 12 MP camera and microphone.


Smart glasses seem to be having a resurgence lately. First, Amazon reminded us they still make them with Alexa built in.


Remember when the company once called Facebook tried to convince the world to spend $300 on a pair of camera-equipped Ray-Bans capable of snapping photos of people while they weren’t looking? Neither did we, really, but that hasn’t stopped Meta from moving forward with a pricey multi-year plan to roll out new…


Guess what Meta’s virtual/augmented reality team has got cooking up? We were already aware that the Meta Quest 3 was likely being planned for this year, but the company also apparently plans to come out with limited “smart glasses” in 2025, with full AR glasses following by 2027. Of course, Meta is planning to pack…