
Challengers, a movie where Zendaya plays a tennis star who has a threesome, came out last week and, while I haven’t seen it yet, I sure do plan to.


It’s an April shower... of movies. Welcome to io9's latest edition of the Nerd’s Watch, where we pare down the enormous lists of new films and television shows arriving on all your favorite streaming services into the sci-fi, fantasy, and horror titles we think you’ll like most. (And sometimes, just the ones that we…



What does it mean to “poke” someone on Facebook? Is it flirty, friendly, or even annoying? The answer is all of the above, and somehow, none at all. The ambiguous feature was largely invisible for many years, but now Facebook is reporting a 13x spike in poking in the last month.

Gizmodo : Politics

Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss have donated $4.9 million to the political action committee Fairshake, according to new filings with the U.S. Federal Election Committee. It’s just the latest windfall for Fairshake, which is spending millions to run attack ads against Katie Porter, a Democrat who’s running for Dianne…


Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is feeling pretty philosophical about his roller coaster of a week, which saw him berated by Congress over the harmful content on his products one day and celebrated by investors for delivering buckets of dough the next.



In 2018, Mark Zuckerberg waltzed into the halls of Congress for the most high-profile moment of his career. He was pale and glass-eyed, his tie wrapped loosely around his neck, and his hair cropped high and thin in a bizarre homage to Augustus Caesar. His speech was practiced and robotic, and while his performance…



Sheryl Sandberg, original girlboss and longtime fixture at Facebook, will formally step down from her position on Meta’s board. Sandberg announced her transition away from the company on Wednesday in a post that she made, appropriately, on Facebook.


Meta’s long-promised AI-enabled vision features for the company’s Ray-Ban Smart Glasses are finally incoming, allowing the onboard AI to see, hear, and interpret its environment through the glasses’ 12 MP camera and microphone.