Tech Insider
Charlene Lee
Charlene Lee says she used to schedule tasks in 25-minute increments per the Pomodoro technique, but later learned about managing her energy instead of her time.
Tech Insider
Bob Iger
The Walt Disney Company announced that they are extending Bob Iger's contract as CEO through 2026.
Tech Insider : Travel
Fran Cassaniti and Marco Ilagan
Fran Cassaniti and Marco Ilagan in Grenada, an island country in the West Indies. The couple looked after two German Shepherds.
Tech Insider
Jonathan Javier
Jonathan Javier says building your network makes a big difference when it comes to job hunting.
Tech Insider
Flight attendant Natalie Rader
Flight attendant Natalie Rader says it's gross to wear just your socks to the bathroom.
Tech Insider
Isabel Heine was an early user of Airbnb, but has since turned away from the platform.
Isabel Heine was an early user of Airbnb, but has since turned away from the platform.