Tech Insider : Politics
Opponents to Ohio Issue 1 celebrate their projected success
Dennis Willard, spokesperson for One Person One Vote, celebrates in Columbus after Ohio Issue 1 is projected to fail.
Tech Insider : Politics
Ohio early voting on Issue 1
A sign outside of an early voting location in Columbus, Ohio, where voters are considering making it harder to amend the state's constitution.

The UK's Electoral Commission has revealed that some personal information of around 40 million voters was left exposed for over a year.

Tech Insider : Politics
Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose, now running for US Senate, at CPAC on March 4, 2023.
Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose, now running for US Senate, at CPAC on March 4, 2023.
Tech Insider : Politics
Computer scientist Geoffrey Hinton stood outside a Google building
Geoffrey Hinton told MIT Tech Review about his worries over how AI tools, which he helped pioneer, will be used.
Tech Insider : Politics
A screenshot of Sen. Chuck Grassley's original tweet, and the misshapen dipped cone I ultimately received.
A screenshot of Sen. Chuck Grassley's original tweet, and the deformed cherry-dipped cone I ultimately received.
Tech Insider : Politics
Three side-by-side images of MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, Sidney Powell, and Rudy Giuliani.
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, Sidney Powell, and Rudy Giuliani are being sued by Dominion.