
The U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade two years ago has affected women’s contraceptive use for the worse, new research suggests. The study found that prescriptions of birth control and emergency contraception have declined significantly more in the states that passed the most restrictive abortion laws…



Restrictive abortion laws have caused a small but real climb in fatal violence committed against women, new research out Monday suggests. The study found that so-called TRAP laws were associated with an increased rate of murders among young girls and women committed by their intimate partners. The continued rise in…



In March 2022, Meta removed a pair of posts on Facebook and Instagram criticizing a proposed South Carolina bill that would have horrifyingly

Tech Insider : Politics
Opponents to Ohio Issue 1 celebrate their projected success
Dennis Willard, spokesperson for One Person One Vote, celebrates in Columbus after Ohio Issue 1 is projected to fail.
Tech Insider : Politics
Ohio early voting on Issue 1
A sign outside of an early voting location in Columbus, Ohio, where voters are considering making it harder to amend the state's constitution.
Gizmodo : Politics

More than three dozen members of Congress have signed a letter pressuring the Biden administration to step up and close an oversight in federal privacy law that allows law enforcement to obtain access to abortion records and other sensitive health data without a warrant.

Tech Insider : Politics
Two abortion rights supporters celebrate in the Nebraska Capitol rotunda with a
Pat Neal, left, and Ann Fintell, both of Lincoln, celebrate in the Nebraska Capitol rotunda after the failure of a bill that would have banned abortion around the sixth week of pregnancy