
TikTok is pushing back against the European Union for not informing the company that they were banning the app on all government devices.

Gizmodo : Environment

When ABL Space System’s RS1 rocket exploded shortly after liftoff from the Pacific Spaceport Complex—Alaska on January 10, the resulting black mushroom cloud was visible from at least about 25 miles away. In a phone call with Gizmodo, one Kodiak Island resident, who requested anonymity for employment reasons,…


A prominent DNA testing firm has settled a pair of lawsuits with the attorney generals of Pennsylvania and Ohio after a 2021 episode that saw cybercriminals steal data on 2.1 million people, including the social security numbers of 45,000 customers from both states. As a result of the lawsuits, the company in…

Gizmodo : Environment

Six radar observations made of an asteroid swinging by our planet have revealed an unusually oblong space rock. The object is three times as long as it is wide—an irregular shape, as far as asteroids are concerned.



A week after a calamitous ransomware attack struck the city of Oakland, local officials have declared a state of emergency. The California city’s ongoing network issues continue to hamper city services and operations, officials said earlier this week.

Gizmodo : Environment

A decade ago today, the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia unexpectedly found itself under assault from space, as a roughly 60-foot-wide asteroid exploded over the region. It was a shocking reminder that our planet can be struck at any time—and future impacts could be a lot more serious.


Gizmodo : Politics

The Australian Defense Department will rip out more than 900 Chinese-made security devices from government buildings over fears they could enable spying by China.


Gizmodo : Politics

We’re learning new information about the suspected Chinese surveillance balloon that was shot down off the coast of South Carolina on Saturday. A State Department spokesperson said the balloon was able to collect communications and data via a satellite and had “multiple antennas” in addition to other equipment used…

Gizmodo : Politics

Royal Mail in the UK has reopened following a cyber attack last month that has since been identified as Lockbit, a Russia-linked ransomware gang.


Via a sophisticated “cyber stakeout,” the FBI pwned Hive, one of the most prolific and dangerous ransomware gangs on the web. While little is known about who is behind Hive or where the gang’s core members are located, we know one thing for sure: these guys are giant douchebags. This much is obvious because Hive has…