Gizmodo : Environment

Japan discovered it has 7,000 more islands than previously thought thanks to advanced survey mapping technology.


Florida health officials say a man recently died from a brain-eating amoeba called Naegleria fowleri—an infection likely caught from rinsing his sinuses with tap water. These infections are incredibly rare but almost always lethal, and they have been previously linked to nasal rinsing, such as through the use of neti…

Tech Insider
great salt lake
The Great Salt Lake in Utah is at risk of disappearing within five years, scientists say.

Officials with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are sounding the alarm over a diarrhea-causing superbug. The CDC’s data shows a noticeable rise in extensively drug-resistant strains of Shigella bacteria over the past half-decade. Though these infections are typically not severe, antibiotics are needed to…


State officials say California’s snowpack is the highest it’s been in decades for early February, the Los Angeles Times reported.



Welp, it’s official: New York City has been snow-free for the longest time in its recorded history this winter. On Monday, January 29, the city surpassed the previous date of the longest amount of time without snowfall in a winter season, beating out a record set in 1970.