
In a recent Twitter post, Marvel Comics revealed an updated logo to better differentiate its film, animation and comic book divisions from one another.


The What If...? brand is the ultimate cheat code in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Because everything takes place in an alternate dimension, literally anything can happen and it can simultaneously be part of the MCU or not.


Over the past five years, new Marvel movies may have been confusing if you didn’t watch the streaming shows. Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness was basically a direct sequel to WandaVision.


You’ve gotta hand it to Marvel Studios: it sure knew how to make its movies feel like big events back in the day.

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Marvel Comics is celebrating its 85th anniversary in 2024, and if there weren’t already enough cool Marvel Legends figures on the way this year, Hasbro wants you to celebrate even further with a bunch of new figures for the occasion—although admittedly they pull from a little more recently in Marvel’s long histor


Last year was an odd one for the Marvel Cinematic Universe in a lot of ways that couldn’t help but hover over its 2023 output.


If you had to guess which Marvel character would be the first to publicly acknowledge whether or not their show is returning to Disney+, of course, it would be She-Hulk.


Firaxis and 2K’s Marvel’s Midnight Suns was one of my favorite games of 2022, but it ended up falling by the wayside in 2023. Amid a deluge of great games and an busy year, it was hard to carve time out for the tactical RPG.


This year, the once-untouchable Marvel Studios finally showed some vulnerability. For 15 years, the studio behind some of the biggest and best superhero movies ever was all but invincible. Every single gamble paid off.


Marvel Studios is not reacting well, at all, to having its first real box office bomb in 15 years.