Gizmodo : Sports

Marvel Comics is celebrating its 85th anniversary in 2024, and if there weren’t already enough cool Marvel Legends figures on the way this year, Hasbro wants you to celebrate even further with a bunch of new figures for the occasion—although admittedly they pull from a little more recently in Marvel’s long histor


Once upon a time, the heroes of the DC and Marvel universes teaming up wasn’t too uncommon a thing. From Spider-Man and Superman to Batman and Devil, or to the wild world of ‘90s comics in the Amalgam universe—where DC and Marvel heroes literally got mashed together—the two “rivals” of the comics industry have a long…



Firaxis and 2K’s Marvel’s Midnight Suns was one of my favorite games of 2022, but it ended up falling by the wayside in 2023. Amid a deluge of great games and an busy year, it was hard to carve time out for the tactical RPG.


Captain Marvel was dead, to begin with. More than one Captain Marvel, if we want to be perfectly accurate about it.


There are a lot of Earths in the vast, varied, and occasionally blown-up Marvel multiverse—realities that have now grown to encompass the alternate universes not just in comics, but games, cartoons, live action TV, and yes, movies.


The last few months have been quite a time for Kamala Khan and her legions of fans.


The X-Men turn 60 this year, and Marvel is celebrating in style by killing a bunch of them in a horrifying terrorist attack, kickstarting th