
If you’re feeling particularly spiteful this Valentine’s Day, HawkWatch International has got you covered. For as little as a measly five bucks, the charity will feed their “Raptor Ambassadors” a rodent named after your ex or other object of hatred. And for you lovebirds out there, the organization also has a gift…



Hundreds of employees at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) will be affected by budget constraints looming over the space agency for the current year, with Congress still behind on issuing the final budget for 2024 and its final decision regarding Mars Sample Return (MSR).


Gizmodo : Politics

TikTok is allegedly being used by Chinese migrants to cross the United States’ southern border, first reported by


Since it launched last week, the Apple Vision Pro has mesmerized the world with its technical wizardry and cool form factor. People are pretty excited about this thing right now. That said, customers have been quick to point out one notable downside of the device: You can’t watch porn with it.


Pornhub notified performers last week that the platform is requiring proof of consent from anyone featured in its videos moving forward, according to emails seen by


On Wednesday, New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced the Big Apple would be the first city to officially classify social media as a public health risk. Social media is an “environmental toxin,” Adams said in a speech, comparing the problem to guns and tobacco. The mayor then promptly went on—where else—social media…


Gizmodo : Environment

Many places in the Midwest and northern United States could shrink drastically by the turn of the century, according to a new study based on five climate scenarios. By the same token, according to the researchers, the populations of 40% of U.S. cities could grow by 2100.