
Between now-classic movies like the Spider-Man films and the 1999Mummy flick, it’s been a spring of re-releases.


Today marks 57 years since “The Man Trap,” the first episode of Star Trek to be broadcast on TV, hit screens—and to celebrate, Kid Cudi is going where many others have gone before: a


So far, given its setting, Lower Decks’ particular areas of Trek fanservice have focused on the likes of The Next Generation and


Star Trek: Strange New Worlds’ fondness for exploring old ideas and structures doesn’t just rely on an affection for the original Star Trek.


Crossovers are hard. The balance of time, fandom-winking wishlists, and the need to have things still actually matter to your characters can make smashing together heroes from across a franchise a challenge—a challenge Star Trek hasn’t been afraid to rise up to in the past.