
Whatever Apple is cooking up in the kitchens inside of 1 Infinite Loop, it seems it’s very interested in making a foldable, but only on its own terms. The Cupertino, California company is reportedly working on a folding MacBook that lacks any semblance of that annoying crease found on most other foldables.



The latest versions of the iPad Air and iPad Pro have effectively discontinued any Apple tablet with a headphone jack. I know, I know, that slow march away from dedicated audio jacks has been trending on for the last decade, as much as we might miss them. It seems audiophiles who want wired audio devices may be in…


If you were hoping that all your cultish rituals and stuck voodoo dolls would make the iPhone FineWoven cases meet an untimely end, then you don’t know Apple. After one Apple tipster asserted that the maligned iPhone cases would soon be as dead as the Dodo, we may instead be looking at a whole new slate of case…



This article was updated on 4/18/2024 to include information about how Apple may attempt to reduce lens flare, Wi-Fi 7 capabilities for the iPhone 16 Pro series, and the debut of a convincing set of machined blanks that show the iPhone’s new family of side buttons.



I think one thing we can all agree on is that the world is a pretty noisy place. We can also agree on the fact that no one likes that. And, at least sometimes, we’d ideally like to shut it all out. While that’s not possible, a pair of effective noise-cancelling headphones can make you feel like you’re in your own…



We may be months out from the iPhone 16, but that hasn’t stopped the iPhone 15 gravy train from making a sloppy stop into the early spring “hot Amazon deal” circuit.


Anybody who has seen the 1999 film Audition knows that Takashi Miike is one sick puppy. Known for his extremely graphic horror films, Miike has made some of the most visually inventive and frightening movies I’ve ever seen.


What do you want from the next iPhone? Now is your chance to let Apple know by telling us instead. There have been many rumors about what’s next for the iPhone 16, which we expect to arrive later this year. The phone is currently in manufacturing, getting its ends polished off for approval by the big bosses managing…


In recent years, “drop tests” have become a popular way to test the durability of new iPhones and their cases.


Over the weekend, Apple users finally began receiving their piece of the ‘batterygate’ settlement in the form of $92 payments, as first reported by