
Doctor Who viewers are willing to accept a lot of things—fascist pepperpots, farting skinsuit aliens, children-kidnapping goblins with Christmas number 1 ambitio


As 2023 draws to a close, the io9 staff has had to admit something about ourselves: we watch a lot of TV.


For a show that is often so optimistically forward thinking—and where change is baked into its hearts—Doctor Who often has a bittersweet view of its own past.


The Minecraft movie expands its cast. David Rysdahl teases just how different the Alien show is going to be. Plus, what’s coming on Quantum Leap. Spoilers, away!



In just a few short days, Doctor Who will conclude its trio of 60th anniversary specials in a flurry of spectacle—a climatic battle, the death of its familiarly faced current hero, and their regeneration into a new era starting just a few weeks later.


Initial overnight ratings have come in for Doctor Who’s highly anticipated return this past weekend in “The Star Beast,” and it’s good news for the show: numbers are way, way up, even if they’re also way, way down compared to where the show used to be. But, for good reason!


Human drama suffused with alien weirdness? A shotgun blast of emotional sincerity to sweep you away from barely coherent sci-fi technobabble? The power of love, specifically encapsulating queer love? David Tennant and Catherine Tate running around the place having the time of their lives? Do not adjust your clocks…



For a show that is about the capability to be everywhere and anywhere, any period in time, Doctor Who is a show that is arguably burdened with context. Now 60 years old today, the thought of navigating any of its stories without an awareness of its place in that history is almost unthinkable. But every once in a…