
In current Star Wars canon, the plot to steal the Death Star’s technical plans is incredibly straight forward: it’s Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the tale of Galen Erso’s sacrifice and the ragtag team that swooped down to Scarif and gave their lives to ensure that data fell into Rebel hands.


The fan service was strong with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.


We may think of Star Wars as futuristic but never forget it’s actually set a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.


Somehow fans of Star Wars’ Kylo Ren and Rey Skywalker made the news for very different reasons this week. But outside of big drama in the sci-fi book world, we also got the last of Doctor Who’s anniversay specials, a new Dune Part Two trailer, and more in the list of our most read stories, so here’s you might have…



Writer-director Matthew Vaughn is well known for turning giving franchises a good kick in the ass.


In the last 11 years since Star Wars’ Expanded Universe faded into “legends” as a new canon for the galaxy far, far away was laid out, many elements big and small from its time as Star Wars’ ancillary text have made their way


When the Star Wars Expanded Universe began to take nascent steps towards building a world beyond the original movie trilogy, it dug into the same questions Disney and Lucasfilm explored decades later in creating the sequel trilogy. What does Star Wars look like in this new time?