
New research shows that tirzepatide, the latest FDA-approved obesity drug, really can help people lose substantial amounts of weight—but only if they continue taking it. The study found that people who stopped taking tirzepatide after 36 weeks regained much of their lost weight within a year, while those who continued…



Season of the Force at Disneyland is returning to Disney Parks next year—and a beloved Star Wars ride will likely be getting an upgrade as part of the Star Wars attraction and experiences takeover, which annually brings new overlays,


When Doctor Who returned to our screens this past weekend in “The Star Beast,” it brought with it all sorts of weird and occasionally fearsome threats, from


The final month of 2023 is here, and with it, one more batch of Lego sets to tempt your wallet (or get stuck under the Christmas tree).


The whole family can channel their favorite Marvel characters with gifts inspired by the heroes and villains of the MCU, Spider-Man films, Disney+ shows like Loki and Ms.


New research may eventually help solve a mystery relevant to holiday drinkers. Scientists at the University of California Davis and elsewhere believe they’ve figured out why some people quickly develop headaches after drinking red wine but not other alcoholic beverages: too much of a particular flavonoid that mixes…



Scientific knowledge is ever-evolving and, ideally, self-correcting. Few fields demonstrate that better than the world of nutrition science. In the past, for instance, diet gurus and researchers have made declarations about the ills of having anything more than a little fat, no matter the kind; same with cholesterol.…