
In the past two decades appreciation for Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace has grown strong with the Force.


We might have only just hit April, but Lego is getting Star Wars fans ready for a world of wallet pain next month with the impending arrival of its annual May 4 set—usually a


Three things you can count on in this world are death, taxes, and new Star Wars merchandise.


In May 1999, Star Wars hadn’t been in movie theaters for nearly 20 years—well, new Star Wars, at least; the Special Editions had returned a few years prior.


There have been so many words written about the expanse of genre here at io9, and 2023 was a wildcard of a year for entertainment (including Marvel Studios, Star W


In the last 11 years since Star Wars’ Expanded Universe faded into “legends” as a new canon for the galaxy far, far away was laid out, many elements big and small from its time as Star Wars’ ancillary text have made their way