
Do you like action movies? Do you like the ones where a bunch of crazy nonsense is happening that seems like it defies all the laws of physics?


In current Star Wars canon, the plot to steal the Death Star’s technical plans is incredibly straight forward: it’s Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the tale of Galen Erso’s sacrifice and the ragtag team that swooped down to Scarif and gave their lives to ensure that data fell into Rebel hands.


What is the most brutal battlefront in Star Wars history—the sands of Geonosis? The harsh icewinds of Hoth? The teddy bear-infused terror of Endor’s forests? The dark nights of Umbara?


The Last of Us is one of PlayStation’s biggest properties, and its odds of continuing have grown with each remaster and its currently ongoing

Gizmodo : Sports

On Christmas Day, a big GTA 5 leak revealed that Rockstar Games had some single-player DLC planned for the open-world crime sim. Though none of them were released, what was uncovered by online sleuths is interesting all the same.



Though the Insomniac Games hack and the information gleaned from it overwhelmed video game news for the entire week, it was the second “leak” to hit this week.


Nintendo quashed its first live event of the new year and similarly postponed the tournament finals for two of its mainstay franchises due to a wave of “threats” targeting employees, spectators, and venue staff centered around an upcoming Splatoon 3 tournament.



Much like the Naughty Dog games the show’s based on, HBO’s The Last of Us was a massive hit that secured a fanbase that’s eager for season two to begin.