
The Flipper Zero has been under scrutiny ever since last month when Canadian officials claimed that it was to blame for a rise in car thefts in the country and proposed a ban on the popular (and cheap) penetration-testing device.



If there’s one thing to say about the $169 Flipper Zero, it’s that it’s really damn cute. When the Flipper is idling, the cyber dolphin that appears in all the apps and product materials as the device’s mascot can be found lounging around, making sly references to older movies.


The creators behind the popular Flipper Zero multi-tool device have teamed up with computing renegade Raspberry Pi to create a video game integration that will turn your Flipper into a low-key game controller.


The Flipper Zero is having a bit of a moment: it’s by no means a new device, but it is now grabbing more headlines than ever, thanks to its ability to brick iPhones,


Apple silently fixed an exploit that let Flipper Zero devices mass-bombard nearby iPhones with popup notifications, so much so they would essentially disable users’ phones requiring a restart.



Tech enthusiasts have been deeply in love with the Flipper Zero since it debuted several years back. The tiny penetration testing device makes hacking anything fun and easy, and at $170, it’s not exactly what you’d call a heavy financial lift.


Although it had a low-key debut back in 2020 through a Kickstarter campaign, the Flipper Zero’s user base and popularity have grown considerably over the past three years with ever-increasing sales.