
If there’s one thing to say about the $169 Flipper Zero, it’s that it’s really damn cute. When the Flipper is idling, the cyber dolphin that appears in all the apps and product materials as the device’s mascot can be found lounging around, making sly references to older movies.


The creators behind the popular Flipper Zero multi-tool device have teamed up with computing renegade Raspberry Pi to create a video game integration that will turn your Flipper into a low-key game controller.


The Flipper Zero is having a bit of a moment: it’s by no means a new device, but it is now grabbing more headlines than ever, thanks to its ability to brick iPhones,


Those who remember playing their Game Boys by the staccato glow of passing streetlights while sitting in the backseat of their parent’s cars sure have a bevy of retro handheld revivals to choose from. Though we’ve had plenty of strong contenders, nothing really beats the original Game Boy Color design with its…