Gizmodo : Politics

Senate Democrats introduced new legislation Tuesday attempting to, once again, outright ban facial recognition use by federal agencies and officials, particularly law enforcement.


New documents revealed by the ACLU and shared with Gizmodo show the lengths FBI and Pentagon officials went to develop “truly unconstrained” facial recognition capable of being deployed in public street cameras, mobile drones, and cops’ body cameras.


Tech Insider
Apple logo displayed on a phone screen and iOS 16 logo displayed on a screen in the background
iOS 16 added several important security and privacy features to compatible iPhone models.
Tech Insider : Politics
New York City Mayor Eric Adams
New York City Mayor Eric Adams said that shop owners should require customers to enter stores without masks to prevent theft.

Since taking office, Joe Biden has made it known that he’s going to take cybercrime seriously. It’s not the case that Biden is the world’s most tech-savvy octonarian, rather, he’s simply responding to security challenges that have developed on his watch—most notably a string of increasingly destructive cyberattacks…


America’s oldest law enforcement agency, the U.S. Marshals Service, is in a bit of security trouble. The federal police agency was targeted by ransomware hackers earlier this month in an episode that officials are saying involved a significant amount of “sensitive” data. Just how bad is this? While details are thin,…


TikTok is pushing back against the European Union for not informing the company that they were banning the app on all government devices.


A prominent DNA testing firm has settled a pair of lawsuits with the attorney generals of Pennsylvania and Ohio after a 2021 episode that saw cybercriminals steal data on 2.1 million people, including the social security numbers of 45,000 customers from both states. As a result of the lawsuits, the company in…

Gizmodo : Politics

The U.S. says it’s punching back in the digital cold war over emerging technologies with a new “Disruptive Technology Strike Force.”