
For weeks, Google has been warning users it’s getting ready to redesign its login page, an interface that billions of people use every day to access Gmail and countless websites across the internet. As of this week, the revamp is rolling out, and users are getting a first look.



Apple computer owners have long felt free to roam the internet without a care in the world. You float out of the Apple Store with a white box that perfectly slides apart when you open it at your home, and inside is your impenetrable, space-grey fortress of solitude with an Apple logo just waiting to shine for you.…


Did a hacker gang create a botnet out of 3 million electric toothbrushes? The answer is: No, but you’d be forgiven for having believed that was the case since a viral news story made the rounds earlier this week claiming it was so.


Tech Insider
JPMorgan's Mary Callahan Erdoes
JPMorgan's Mary Callahan Erdoes says hackers' attempts on the firm have increased.
Tech Insider
A woman plays a video game using a virtual-reality headset at an arcade.
The UK police are investigating a teenage girl's claim that her avatar was digitally gang-raped in a virtual reality game.
Tech Insider
The highly anticipated "Grand Theft Auto VI" is set to be released in 2025.

Interpol, an international police organization, has arrested nearly 3,500 people allegedly connected to cybercrime in a sweeping operation announced on Tuesday.


It’s nearly Black Friday and Cyber Monday—that beautiful time of the year when Americans forego their normal, sensible fiscal concerns and embrace the spirit of debauched consumerism that our great country is really all about.

Gizmodo : Politics

Government leaders in more than 40 countries are signing a pledge agreeing never to pay a ransom to cybercriminals again. U.S. President Joe Biden introduced the International Counter Ransomware Initiative in 2021 and will discuss countries agreeing to push back against cybercriminals and cutting off their revenue…


Calling up an IT department for help can be a frustrating experience—the only thing more frustrating is getting scammed out of money. Microsoft, Amazon, and Indian law enforcement identified a potential fraud ring with a ton of tech confiscated during searches in the country.