
OpenAI launched its Superalignment team almost a year ago with the ultimate goal of controlling hypothetical super-intelligent AI systems and preventing them from turning against humans. Naturally, many people were concerned—why did a team like this need to exist in the first place?


Dario and Daniela Amodei, siblings and founders of Anthropic, fired indirect jabs at OpenAI while not stating the company’s name on Thursday.


A good way to get the full scope of the current debate surrounding AI is to know the people involved. Time magazine, in all its wisdom, now has its own list of the top 100 figures most important to the AI debate to help us all get to know the players. There are a hell of a lot of AI founders on there, but despite…



Pearson, one of the top five textbook makers in the world, is leaping into the world of AI with the same speed and subtlety as a cinderblock-sized primer tumbling to the floor. The company said it plans to offer a new kind of study buddy AI chatbot they promise will be “free from the noise and corruption of web-based…