Gizmodo : Politics

Silicon Valley has always been a place for unconventional thinkers with big ideas, but in 2024, that includes former president and convicted felon Donald Trump.


Less than a year ago, we learned that a bunch of Bay Area tech billionaires had their sights set on creating a brand new city out of thousands of acres of California farmland.


California Forever, a tech billionaire-backed project to develop a new city on hundreds of acres of Bay Area farmland, is entering a critical phase.


The cohort of Silicon Valley tech titans who have been hoovering up Bay Area farmland in the hopes of converting it into a new city have been accused of deploying “strong-arm tactics” and a “divide-and-conquer” strategy to gobble up as much acreage as possible. A number of local farmers say Flannery Associates, the…



A good way to get the full scope of the current debate surrounding AI is to know the people involved. Time magazine, in all its wisdom, now has its own list of the top 100 figures most important to the AI debate to help us all get to know the players. There are a hell of a lot of AI founders on there, but despite…



Starlink CEO Elon Musk reportedly worried about his role in the Ukraine War, prompting him to shut down the satellite communications network near Crimea last year, according to an excerpt from a


The tech billionaire-backed landgrab in Solano County California might finally be out of the shadows, but the local officials who have finally had the opportunity to speak to the developers say the group simply has no real plan to make good on promises to


You don’t have to stray too far into science fiction or comic book tales to find examples of megalomaniacal tech businessmen creating their own “utopian” metropolises, before—inevitably—everything goes to hell. Now several titans of Silicon Valley are hoping they can get their way with their own dream city that,…