Tech Insider
Parcel distribution center of the online retailer Amazon
A Canadian woman mysteriously received over 50 packages of women's shoes she never ordered. She says she was asked to pay over $220 in collect-on-delivery fees.
Tech Insider
UPS driver
UPS said in an earnings call that drivers will make around $170,000 annually in salary and benefits at the end of its five-year contract.
Tech Insider
A delivery man stands in the sweltering heat, delivering packages in a hostile neighborhood.
Amazon, FedEx, UPS, and USPS make millions of deliveries every day. Heat waves make the jobs behind those deliveries more dangerous.

UPS has avoided a strike only one day after 340,000 employees threatened to walk out over an unsustainable pay rate for part-time workers. The Teamsters Union, which represents UPS workers, opened contract negotiations on Tuesday to secure higher pay, but the union vowed to go on strike if a deal could not be reached…

Tech Insider : Economy
A white man in a black hat yells in front of yellow and brown protest signs that read
UPS workers walk a 'practice picket line' on July 7, 2023.
Tech Insider
Customer stands at counter with Amazon sign inside Kohl's store
Kohl's and Amazon inked a deal in 2019 that allows Amazon customers to return items at Kohl's stores.