Tech Insider : Politics
This image shows the design plans for 'The Line,' a part of the Saudi Arabian megacity of NEOM, and a portrait of its mastermind, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
Tech Insider
Russian Air Force Su-27 Russkiye Vityazi (Russian Knights) jet fighters perform during the MAKS International Aviation and Space Salon in Zhukovsky
Russian Air Force Su-27 jet fighters perform during the 2011 MAKS International Aviation and Space Salon in Zhukovsky. Image used for illustration purposes only.

Amazon is facing a class-action lawsuit that was filed on Thursday, claiming the company did not inform Amazon Go customers that they were being recorded at its New York City location.


A customer service agent for Ring, Amazon’s home-surveillance company, told a concerned user that a Politico article about the company’s privacy problems was a “hoax” perpetrated by one of its competitors.


Gizmodo : Politics

Senate Democrats introduced new legislation Tuesday attempting to, once again, outright ban facial recognition use by federal agencies and officials, particularly law enforcement.


New documents revealed by the ACLU and shared with Gizmodo show the lengths FBI and Pentagon officials went to develop “truly unconstrained” facial recognition capable of being deployed in public street cameras, mobile drones, and cops’ body cameras.



I hate to break it to you, but a world where your every move can be tracked using facial recognition has gone from science fiction to an everyday reality.