
Disney CEO Bob Iger recently revealed that the company’s theme-park expansion plans include both land and IP—and along with that, there are plenty of rides with lore yet to be explored further.


One of the most pressing questions in American politics has finally been answered: Who would Elizabeth Warren most want to smoke copious amounts of weed with?



Seeing Hayden Christensen get his due and recognition has been one the best things to come out of the Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau universe of shows.


In a modern movie landscape dominated by mega franchises, 2024 is looking mighty odd indeed. Yes, we’ve got films coming from DC, Marvel, Transformers, Lord of the Rings, and a few others, but almost all of them are slightly off-brand. The Transformers and Lord of the Rings movies are animated.


Earlier in the week, Disney surprisingly revealed Din Djarin will be headlining two films.


Lucasfilm decided to drop a bomb this week with the shocking reveal of a remixed movie slate: now headlined by a Mandalorian movie, the first Star Wars film to enter production since The Rise of Skywalker. But that wasn’t all in the galaxy far far away: Ahsoka’s back! Luke and Padmé finally met, sort of! There’s all…