
A few months back, I was walking around DesignerCon and something impossible caught my eye. It was a Star Wars Black Series figure, but something was off.


Buried in Tuesday’s news of an upcoming Star Wars movie starring the Mandalorian and Grogu was an update that’s arguably even more exciting.


It’s mind-blowing to think Ahsoka is already over. Fans waited years to see how the character’s story would continue and now, a mere eight episodes later, a major piece of that story has come to its end.


The moment is upon us: Rebels have reunited, Thrawn’s grand design has been put into motion, and everyone just wants to get back to the galaxy that’s a little less far, far away than the one they’re currently in. Ahsoka’s finale is here, and... well, there’s a lot that needs sorting out.


Another Tano Tuesday is upon us, and Ahsoka is setting up what could be its biggest week yet. With just four more episodes to go, including tonight’s, it feels like the show has so much ground left to cover...


It’s nearly time to return to Star Wars’ galaxy far, far away for the week, with Ahsoka’s fourth episode dropping tonight on Disney+. But while we wait to talk all things spoiler, here’s another new clip from the show to get you in the mood.


Our feelings on the two-episode premiere of Ahsoka are clearly on display in the show’s opening moments.