Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
A teacher handing out papers to elementary-age students
Maureen, 67, (not pictured) is a former elementary school teacher living on $1,600 a month in Social Security benefits.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
An older woman sits on the edge of a creek with her dog.
Ann Miller, 78, (not pictured) lives in a small town in Washington with her dog. She struggles to get by on her Social Security income.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy, Travel
A stock photo of two people sitting on a bench and looking out onto the water.
Retirement ages vary worldwide. In countries like Greece, Luxembourg, and South Korea, the normal retirement age is 62.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy, Politics
An older woman standing in the produce aisle of a grocery store.
Rita, 68, (not pictured) lives check to check on Social Security in Illinois.
Tech Insider : Economy
Woman in her kitchen stares out the window
Emma Echols (not pictured) receives $1,056 a month in Social Security and has to supplement that income with her part-time bus driver job.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
An older man walking on a hiking path
George Dziamniski, 62, (not pictured) lives off his Social Security income and part-time paycheck from Walmart.
Tech Insider : Economy
Uber car next to yellow taxi
Many Uber and Lyft drivers in their retirement years are relying on income from rides and tips to supplement their Social Security.