Tech Insider
Andrea Mac with her husband and four children.
Andrea Mac says she makes 100% of her family's income and does 10% of the household chores consistently.
Tech Insider
Photo illustration of Bob Johnson.
Robert L. Johnson founded BET in 1980. Eleven years later, it became the first Black-owned company to go public on the New York Stock Exchange.
Tech Insider
Deanna Dixon headshot.
Deanna Dixon said Uber sends her guaranteed pickups when riders schedule their trips from the airport in advance because she works that route routinely.
Tech Insider
Erin Couch standing outside.
Erin Couch says she's taking action to get her debt down by delivering groceries for Instacart.
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Raneisha Stassin with her son in California.
Raneisha Stassin said moving to California has helped her career and it's been a great environment for her son.
Tech Insider
A sign is posted in front of a Lyft driver center
Lyft's mistake was a big one, but it's surprising it doesn't happen more often to other companies, writes Will Valentine.