
Bernie Sanders, the independent Senator from Vermont, has long been railing against the price of prescription medications in the U.S., as Americans pay the highest prices for drugs in the world. But Sen.


When doctors take money or gifts from pharmaceutical companies those are required by law to be reported to the U.S. government. But did you know there’s a website where you can look up how much money any doctor in the U.S. has taken from healthcare companies? It’s completely free and run by Medicare.



Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is taking aim at one of Big Pharma’s newest cash cows: the latest generation of effective obesity medications.


The cost of Wegovy will soon be covered by Medicare, according to an announcement from the federal health insurance program for seniors on

Tech Insider : Politics
Donal Trump
Donald Trump in a Monday interview with CNBC suggested entitlements like Social Security and Medicare benefits could be cut, sending his campaign into damage-control mode.
Tech Insider : Politics

President Joe Biden addressed Gaza, abortion, and January 6 in his passionate State of the Union speech and sparred with heckling Republicans.

Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
A black woman's hand holds a prescription bottle of drug tablets
Even more Medicare recipients could save thousands of dollars on out-of-pocket drug costs in 2025.

Another year, another round of inscrutable price increases for many prescription drugs. Over 700 medicines are seeing their list prices shoot up this January, according to an analysis by the organization 46brooklyn Research. The average price increase is slightly below the trend of recent years, but includes popular…


Tech Insider : Economy
A boomer floating on a tube/bomb in a pool
Boomers are the largest generation to enter retirement. The US economy isn't ready.

Millions of Americans and their doctors are in the dark when it comes to early cognitive decline, according to new research from the University of Southern California. A study out this week suggests that most general physicians vastly under-diagnose mild cognitive impairment among their patients, following another…