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Jupiter and its moons are a diverse and dynamic subdivision of our solar system’s neighborhood, one that NASA’s Juno spacecraft has been visiting since 2016. Besides hosting the system’s largest planet, at over 300 times the mass of our own planet, the Jovian system includes 95 known moons, the largest of which are…


Gizmodo : Environment

China’s space station crew carried out two spacewalks this past winter to repair the solar wings attached to the core module, which had been damaged by space debris.


Gizmodo : Environment

Residents in Greece were witnesses to a hellish-looking dust storm this week. The dust originated from the Sahara desert in North Africa and was blown across the Mediterranean Sea by strong winds.

Gizmodo : Environment

In about five years’ time, a potentially hazardous asteroid will swing by Earth at an eerily close distance of less than 20,000 miles (32,000 kilometers). During this rare encounter, Apophis will be ten times closer to Earth than the Moon and scientists want to take full advantage of its visit.


Gizmodo : Environment

Food and Drug Administration officials reported this week that lab tests have found genetic material from strains of H5N1 avian influenza in samples of store-bought pasteurized milk. Officials say these samples do not appear to contain live virus and that the commercial milk supply should still be safe. But the…


Gizmodo : Environment

For nearly a decade, a near-Earth asteroid named Kamo’oalewa has invoked speculation over how it came to orbit the Sun in total synchrony with Earth as though it shares some special relationship with our planet. A new study of the oddball may have pinpointed where it came from: a young impact crater on the far side of…


Gizmodo : Environment

Unlike its predecessor Curiosity, NASA’s Perseverance rover is explicitly intended to “search for potential evidence of past life,” according to the official mission objectives.

Gizmodo : Environment

A new experimental mission by NASA is now flying in orbit, aiming to use photons from the Sun to propel its way to higher altitudes.


Gizmodo : Environment

Bioluminescence, the eerie, beautiful phenomena that allows living things to glow, is way more ancient than previously thought, according to a team of researchers that recently studied the ability in octocorals.