
In the early 2010s, the novelty of the original Kick-Ass movies was how they served as a naughty, meaner version of DC and Marvel flicks. If you ever wanted a preteen Robin-alike to shoot gangsters in the head or slice them up with a butterfly knife, you’d go to these filmsfor your fix.


Netflix wants to make a sequel to Leo already. Go behind the scenes on Ghosbusters: The Frozen Empire. Plus, Wolf Pack will howl no more at Paramount. Spoilers, away!



Matthew Vaughn, the guy who brought us comic book adaptations like X-Men: First Class, Kick-Ass and Kingsmen: The Secret Service, has a new movie that seems akin to Stranger Than Fiction if it were directed by, well, Matthew Vaughn. At least, that’s what it seems on its face.


Matthew Vaughn has been in the filmmaking game since 1996, but he’s perhaps best known for 2010's Kick-Ass and 2014's Kingsman: The Secret Service


We may not ever see the end of Matthew Vaughn’s Kingsman series on film, but his next movie looks like it fits right in.