Tech Insider
headshot of John Garvens
"Michael Phelps is a really good swimmer, yet he'll still drown if you chain him to the Titanic. That was the situation I was in — it felt like no matter how hard I swam, I was going to drown," John Garvens said.
Tech Insider : Economy
young black male stressed at his work desk
Many workers dispel the belief that young employees are lazy, according to a Fishbowl post.
Tech Insider
Tech workers in an office
Being a "quiet thriver" could make you happier, but "loud laboring" will likely annoy your colleagues.
Tech Insider : Economy
Lazy girl jobs Gabrielle Judge
The 'lazy girl jobs' trend is being fueled by 20-somethings who haven't made hard decisions or done hard things, says an NYU business professor.
Tech Insider
Back view of calm millennial girl sit at desk work at laptop have break stretching in chair at workplace, young woman employee distracted from computer job relax rest in modern office.
I was constantly working overtime at my last job, which was so taxing to my mental health.
Tech Insider

Happy Saturday, folks. I'm Phil Rosen, it's good to see you today.

As we've talked about all week, there's a looming debt-ceiling deadline right around the corner, and unless lawmakers get their act together, financial markets could soon be in for a world of pain.

Today I'm eager to share my conversation with a top personal finance and economy expert from Bankrate.

Tech Insider
A woman jumps across a city street
Employees who were the happiest had either job-hopped during the pandemic or were working in hybrid-remote environments, according to a new survey.