Tech Insider : Economy
Friends at bar
Gen Zers don't prioritize financial security as much as older generations
Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
A collage of different generations, from left to right, millennials, boomers, gen-z.
Gen Z hates boomers, everyone hates millennials, and no one thinks about Gen X. Why are we so obsessed with talking about generations?
Tech Insider : Economy
A collage of browser windows with a gen z person scrolling, drawing, and taking a photo
Gen Z doesn't believe in the promise of the 9-5 corporate job — so they are creating new side hustles and forging their own career paths.
Tech Insider : Economy
A recent study found that 21% of those aged 59 and above have a net worth of $0 or less.
Tech Insider : Economy

Hi, I'm Matt Turner, the editor in chief of business at Insider. Welcome back to Insider Today's Sunday edition, a roundup of some of our top stories. 

On the agenda today:

Tech Insider
A "work spouse" is really just another name for a "work best friend."