Tech Insider : Economy

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Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Three friends hold cocktails together in a toast at the bow of a sailboat facing dark blue water
HIFIs — high income, financially insecure — spend their paychecks on lifestyle and leisure at the expense of their savings accounts.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy, Travel
Couple listening to music at a concert
HIFIs — people who are high income, financially insecure — often earn six figures but struggle to afford their growing cost of living. The subject of the story is not pictured.
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Gabrielle Gambrell headshot.
Gabrielle Gambrell outsources housekeeping, wardrobe styling, and childcare to alleviate stress.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
A young woman trying on sunglasses
More Gen Zers and millennials are becoming HIFIs — high income, financially insecure. They're spending lots of money on lifestyle and luxury.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Budget of millennials compares to baby boomers when they were young adults.
Tech Insider : Economy, Economy
Photo illustration of a 100 dollar bill.
America has become a nation of hate spenders. We're sick of high prices, but it's not stopping us from shopping.
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Author Sonya Matejko in Vienna holding a wine glass with head resting on hand and sunglasses on
Vienna is said to be a pretty expensive place to live, but my cost of living is lower than it was when I lived in parts of the US.
Tech Insider : Economy
A young woman on a video call
Gen Zers are opting for virtual first dates to save time and money.