
OpenAI launched its Superalignment team almost a year ago with the ultimate goal of controlling hypothetical super-intelligent AI systems and preventing them from turning against humans. Naturally, many people were concerned—why did a team like this need to exist in the first place?


Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI’s co-founder and chief scientist, announced he was leaving the company on Tuesday. OpenAI confirmed the departure in a press release.


Dario and Daniela Amodei, siblings and founders of Anthropic, fired indirect jabs at OpenAI while not stating the company’s name on Thursday.


Elon Musk’s Tesla is famous for its electric cars, but the company is also a world leader in robotics. Musk considers Tesla’s AI to be severely underrated—a claim that’s not entirely baseless. While Tesla attracts world-class talent to build robots and artificial intelligence, these areas are much less talked about…



Andrej Karpathy, a leading researcher in the AI community and a founding member of OpenAI, left the company on Monday, as first reported by


OpenAI is reportedly developing “agent software,” that will effectively take over your device and complete complex tasks on your behalf, according to


Google has been the dominant search engine since the early 2000s, but Jeff Bezos is betting that AI will change the way people find information on the internet.