
Weeks ago, The Boys showrunner Eric Kripke talked about his hope to get Supernatural star Jared Padalecki on the superhero show.


The cast of Jurassic World 4 expands. Street Fighter gets its first logo. Plus, Doctor Who hypes its strangest villain yet. To me, my spoilers!



In the realm of toy collecting, there are few things more iconic than vintage Star Wars toys. The variety. The history. The value.


Star Wars has a long history in the realm of card games, and its latest foray, Unlimited, marks the first time in a while that the franchise has delved into a pure collectible card game system. But one other thing that makes it stand out: its unique, artful take on every era of Star Wars media.


The CW’s Arrowverse was once the talk of the superhero town, and arguably DC’s more successful live-action venture in the 2010s.


Two years after Star Wars (as we then knew it) came to an end with the release of Return of the Jedi, Star Wars merchandise seemingly followed.