
The X-Men find themselves, perhaps almost always, on the precipice of great change. But right now they really do feel like they’re on the edge of something new again.


In all good X-Men stories, out of the fires of chaos something new and exciting is reborn in phoenix-flame.


Deadpool & Wolverine’s new trailer yesterday didn’t really give fresh details on what the film’s going to be about, beyond the vague threat of multiversal shenanigans and Wade and Logan’s team-up.


This morning we got our latest look at Deadpool & Wolverine, and while it doesn’t give as much about the film’s premise away as


The story of Marvel’s mutantdom is one of evolution, and with it, cycles—the rise and fall that almost always guarantees that the tale of the X-Men is one of endless battle, for a world that hates and fears them.


In a few weeks, the ‘90s are back in style—well, if you’re a fan of Marvel’s merry mutants, that is.