
Big tech companies want to put big, driverless trucks on the road, and California Gov. Gavin Newsom is ready to help them reach that goal. Now the Democratic mainstay is taking a beating from unions who say he’s allowed unsafe 10,000+-pound vehicles onto the road without drivers.


Tech Insider
Screenshot from the robot announcement video released by the NYC Mayor's Office
Screenshot from the robot announcement video released by the NYC Mayor's Office

Since ChatGPT’s release in late 2022, many news outlets have reported on the ethical threats posed by artificial intelligence.


Bad news for fans of gun-toting killer robot. Massachusetts wants to make your Black Mirror fantasy illegal. This week, two state senators proposed a first-of-its-kind bill that, if passed, would prohibit the manufacture, sale, or use of robots with mounted weapons.


A couple of weeks ago, as San Francisco emergency responders attempted to pull away from a scene where a man had been seriously injured, a pair of Cruise robotaxis allegedly loitered in the ambulance’s path, not understanding that they were required to get out of the way. The man died not long afterward. It didn’t…


  • The Pentagon wants to beef up its automated drone hordes with some AI. File that under Things That Will Keep You Up At Night.

Google researchers may have finally found a tech solution for the laborious task of training stubborn dogs to listen to commands. That is, of course, if you’re willing to opt for a robot dog.

  • In a big win for human artists, a Washington D.C.

Driverless car systems have a bias problem, according to a new study from Kings College London. The study examined eight AI-powered pedestrian detection systems used for autonomous driving research.